CSCO May update to the Community Sport network in Ontario

CSCO Monthly Update-May 2024

CSCO is pleased to provide the following announcements, events, grants and resources thanks to the following partners in community sport:

Sport Hamilton, Canadian Olympic Committee, International Concussion Summit, Inclusion in Canadian Sport Network, Ontario Nonprofit network, Centre for Sport Capacity, Sport Law, and Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport, ParticipACTION, Sport For Life, Ontario Trillium Foundation, ParaSport Ontario and Sport Law.


  • A Community sport survey has been shared with all Community Sport Councils and Accessible Sport Councils in Ontario. All Councils are asked to fill out the survey from a multisport perspective and then share with their community sport networks. Is this possible? The survey objective is to obtain input from 1,000 sport clubs in Ontario so CSCO can make best practice recommendations to the community sport sector to increase sustainability of all community sport organizations
  • Insurance coverage for Councils. Sport Hamilton is concerned about the rising costs of Directors & Officers insurance and General Liability insurance for their multisport Council. They ask, what is your Council paying for insurance and what does it cover? Please share your figures/services with CSCO then we will share with everyone (no names will be shared)
  • Statement of Federal Government support for sport. The “COC acknowledges the federal government’s short-term, two-year investments of $16 million for the Sport Support Program, $10.6 million for the Future of Sport in Canada Commission, and $15 million to support community sport programming”, see details here:


  • International Concussion summit May 2-3,
  • Diversity in sport conference, May 3-5, see info here: Diversity in Sport Conference 2024 Tickets, Fri, May 3, 2024 at 12:00 PM | Eventbrite
  • Ontario Nonprofit Network, Nonprofit Driven, May 14-15 at the Toronto Reference Library. This is an annual policy conference for “non profit leaders, community organizers and policy makers to collaborate and form partnerships” for the betterment of the community. See details here:
  • Centre for Sport Capacity, Sport Law, and Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport Workshop. Wondering how to manage the complex and challenging sport landscape we face today? Join us for the Hope on the Horizonworkshop at Brock University on May 24-25, 2024 (it’s after the long weekend!). Come learn alongside other sport leaders and build your competence – and confidence – in the following areas: (1) Legal Best Practices; (2) Risk Management; (3) Safety; (4) Inclusion and Diversity; (5) Good Governance; (6) Values-based Leadership
  • Join the ParticipACTION Community Challenge. Registration is now open for Canada’s most active community. This national physical activity and sport challenge highlights activities for the month of June a community winner will receive $100,000, see info here:
  • SAVE THE DATE-National Sport for Life Summit, held the week of January 20th, 2025 in Gatineau, Quebec. Information announced on Sport for Life Summit websiteover the upcoming months. Questions, contact


  • Ontario Trillium Foundation has multiple grant deadlines coming up starting with the Seed grant (deadline June 26 at 5 pm ET, Grow grant (deadline November 6 at 5 pm ET, Youth Opportunities Fund (Youth Innovations and Family Innovations grant-application deadline of July 10 at 5 pm ET. See more details here:


featuring ParaSport news in Ontario. The newsletter highlights the Diversity in Sport Conference, Adaptive climbing, Kenora sledge hockey, ParaSport Pro-Am Golf Tournament, Athletics Clinic, OBSA Sports Day, National Para Hockey Championships and Para Hockey Canada vs US highlights, check it out?

  • ONN workbook on ONCA Compliance-shared in a word doc, see attached a guidebook (fillable doc) for non profit sport groups to assist them to change their bylaws and articles to be compliant by Oct 19, 2024.
  • CSCO/Sport Law ONCA Webinar resource. See attached ppt resource and recording link: from recent webinar provided by Steve Indig! Thanks Steve, for your time and support of our network!



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