Thanks Gary Pearson for your work hosting the Regional Community Sport & Recreation Exchange on Sat, June 2 at the Days Inn Hotel & Suites. Great to hear from the following presenter’s;
A reminder to all Community Sport Councils to consider selling tickets to the 10th Canadian Sport Film Festival with a $2/ticket donation back to the local Sport Council. Please use Code: CSCO2CSFF to secure your donation.
Lastly, regarding the CSCO Summer community sport movie pilot community expressions of interest are due on June 15. Simply e mail Kevin Arnsdorf at
Thanks everyone for traveling to Kawartha Lakes (Lindsay) and for your participation in stimulating and thought provoking discussions.
Presentations presented, see attached.
Community Sport Councils Ontario Sport Movie Night Summer 2018 Pilot
Durham 2019 Ontario Parasport Games_CSCO Regional Community Sport and Recreation Exchange_June 2
Community Sport Report Card_CSCBrock_CSCO_PJ_June2_18 Pauls PPT
Community Sport Councils of Ontario PPT – CAO JC Mary Stever PPT
ASWCO Community Development (4a) Urdan Strategy May 30 18 pptx.